Prey (Mac)

Friday, December 18, 2009



By L. Melledy "funstraw" (Brooklyn, NY United States) -  reviews

I haven't played an FPS in a while and when I had some free time I downloaded the trial and what sold me was the multiplayer which you can play for free. The demo had 2 MP maps but the full version has 12. Most of the MP maps are 5 star. The only downside is finding a multiplayer game online is discouraging but findable. Usually there are a few people playing but when there is not I join a server then in a minute or two people start joining. Makes you think people are ot playing but they will join soon. the solo mission is really good. the demo of the solo mission has a lot of cut scenes and the levels seem small but once you get past that point on the full version there are some very clever map puzzles to figure out. It could be a bit longer on the SP.


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