PS2/PS3/PC 2.4Ghz T-Wireless 3-in-1 Gamepad

PS2/PS3/PC 2.4Ghz T-Wireless 3-in-1 Gamepad

By phoenix "only left handed people are in their... (ohio United States) -  reviews

I'm a southpaw player who couldn't play many modern AAA titles due to not being considered when the games were designed-enter this FULLY PROGRAMABLE

controller. You simply press map then the button / stick direction where you want it and vola it's set how you want it.

If there's an issue with the pad at all it's the overall size is smaller

than a regular dual shock which is great for left handed kids but will take

some adjusting for those used to standard sized controllers...not a deal

breaker since without it i can't play ratchet,dead space,assissans creed,metal gear or gta 4.

ANYTHING that requires 2 analog sticks i need southpaw to play and thrustmaster's controller makes this possible and i highly reccomend to any left handed gamer to pick up this pad.

It's easy to adjust to the size but impossible to play with default as a lefty so again this pad fixes that.


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